Monday, September 1, 2008

The Nasty Sarah Palin Rumor

There is a nasty rumor going around saying that Sarah Palin is not the mother of her youngest child, and that the baby's real mother is Sarah's teenage daughter, Bristol. I don't think it's true. It's just too soon after the John Edward's fiasco. If they went through all that trouble to cover up a teenage pregnancy, she wouldn't be running for vice-president (an act that essentially guarantees that it would come out). But the evidence is pretty convincing, or maybe she is just stupid. She flys from Texas to Alaska in labor with a high risk pregnancy.
  1. Sarah didn't tell anyone she was pregnant until she was almost seven month. No one even suspected.
  2. Daughter, Bristol was pulled out of school for over 5 months with mono. That's a long time to have mono.
  3. Sarah's water broke a month early in Texas, she finished giving her speech, hopped on a plane and flew 8 hours back to Alaska. (Irresponsible. What if she had given birth to her son, who has Down's Syndrome, on the plane). After landing in Anchorage with it's better equipped hospital, she drives 45 minutes to a small hospital outside Wasilla where she used to be mayor to give birth.
  4. She returned to work three days after giving birth.(But her job is really important, and if she had taken more time off people would have said she wasn't doing her job. They probably would have questioned if motherhood was getting in the way of her job. And she returned right back to work after youngest daughter was born. Maybe her husband was at home with the baby. A mother of five children isn't going to lay around six weeks after giving birth, they realize that there is stuff to be done. It's not all that different than mothers in Hollywood being expected to have their figure back five minutes after giving birth. It's unrealistic, but it happens.)
I'm not a Republican. I won't be voting for the McCain-Palin ticket, but I don't think she is taking part in some great cover up. I just think she has poor judgement. Of course, I thought John Edwards wasn't as stupid as he turned out to be.
Have a looky-loo at the photos above. The one of her hugely pregnant is when she was pregnant with one of her earlier children. Look at the clothes and glasses. And the other photo is when she was seven months pregnant with her last child.
Also of Interest:
Does John Edwards Have A Love Child
John Edwards Saga Continues
When Did America Become A Monarchy?
source source

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