Friday, September 26, 2008

Dad Who Abandoned 9 Children Speaks

The man who anonymously abandoned his nine children in Nebraska has come forward. How you anonymously abandon nine children who are able to speak and identify you is a mystery to me. He is a widower who is out of work. And says that he "fell apart" without his wife. He left them because he wanted them to be safe.

"I hope they know I love them," Gary Staton told KETV. "I hope their future is better without me around them."

His wife died last year and he quit his job to care for them. But quickly encounter financial difficulties.

"I was with her for 17 years, and then she was gone," he said of his late wife. "What was I going to do? We raised them together. I didn't think I could do it alone. I fell apart. I couldn't take care of them."

He did not abandon his 18 year old daughter, who was helping care for the children. According to her high school newspaper, she managed to stay in school and graduate a year early.

I can understand why he gave them up, but permanently turning them over probably isn't the answer. Situations like this is one of the reason why there is foster care. That way they would be safe, his parental rights would still be intact, and they could visit with their father. That way at least they wouldn't feel abandoned. They group will end up in foster care anyway. Maybe the youngest ones will be adopted, but the oldest will probably be in foster care until they are legally adults. And then they will just be pushed out on their own.
Also of Interest:
9 Children Abandoned In Nebraska
Nebraska Safe Haven Law A Problem

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