Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I May Be Old

Read this comment that was left this morning:

"Good gosh lady. Don't you have anything better to do than blog about products for a baby you just are not going to have. You are old. Old people should RAISE the kids they have...look forward to grandkids and act like ADULTS not 20 somthings going on and on about, oh how i want a baby. I bet your friends just "love" you. Get a life! "

I may be old sweetie (at 35?), but if I want to try for the next 30 years to have a baby that's my business. And I can blog about all the products I like. I am the person that people ask about baby stuff. And since so many of my neighbors have given birth, I give a lot of baby gifts.
And I don't go on about it to my friends, very few know that I have had so many miscarriages. And darling, I have an easily fixed fertility problem, so more than likely I will have a baby in the next few years without even having to using clomid or IVF. And I will probably adopt or take in foster kids after that. And those children will deserve the best I give them too.
If you don't like the focus of my blog don't read it. And I would be nicer in the future, because Karma is a bitch.

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