Sunday, August 17, 2008

Caylee Anthony Update 17 August

and bounty hunters have hopped on the press train. The The week in review. The search for Caylee has gone from media circus to freak show. The psychicspsychics came uninvited and are going off of information from the press. The bounty hunter, Leonard Padilla, thinks that he is on the way to being an insider. I doubt that once Casey gets out she will have much to do with Padilla and his minions. And he isn't even putting up the half a million, or any actual cash for that fact.
If Casey gets out of jail not only will the police no longer have any control over her. There won't be a reason for her to talk. Sooner or later she'll get tired of sitting in jail and talk. But the Padillas have ruined that. There has to be evidence that keeps the appellate courts from lowering the bond. We don't have it, so the Padillas probably don't have it either. He's never talked the Anthonys. And the police aren't going to give him any secret information, at this point I doubt that they are even giving it to Jose Baez. But if Casey gets out who is going to protect her. People are threatening her parents, and they are victims just as Caylee is. Will the police have to offer her protection once she is out? Will the Padillas have to pay for that? No. If Casey wants protection she should stay in jail. Casey is where she is safest. Hopefully Jose Baez will come to his senses and send them packing. Even criminals have the right to be physically safe. (At least until the state of Florida decides to put her to death.)
Casey is still refusing to visit with her family, even though the sheriffs department may not release them. George Anthony has taken to blowing up at the press. It came out that not only did Casey still from her family but her friends.
A former roommate of Tony Lazarro came forward to say that Casey didn't seem to be looking for Caylee in the days after it said she went missing. They didn't even know she was missing, and after a while Casey stopped mentioning the girl at all.
At this point I'm surprised that no sexually suggestive photos have been released. Hopefully Casey was smart enough not to take any, or in the next week or so we will see some other ex-boyfriend releasing those to the press. Tony Lazarro at least seems to have some class. He could be acting like Amber Frey, remember that media whore.
What is so sad about all of this is that a little girl is missing.

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