Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Caylee Anthony Update 20 August

Casey Anthony is still in jail. There were several issues that prevented her being bailed out. One of which is the Padillas didn't make a 9am deadline for Tuesday release. Maybe if Leonard wasn't so busy doing interviews they could have been working on freeing Casey. Is he really interested in finding Caylee, because in every interview the focus is taken off of finding Caylee a little bit more, and on to the whole bail fiasco. I think his whole press campaign is going to backfire. Casey is not going to tell him anything. Look how she is punishing her parents and brother by refusing their visits. And I think that the public will be turned away from his tv show, Bounty Hunter.
And this is a man who is setting Casey free because he wants to believe that a mother couldn't hurt such a beautiful child. I guess that all the children who are abused and murdered by their mothers are ugly.
A group of independent searchers found a bag of clothes in the woods near the home Caylee shared with her family. They called in police to handle the evidence. Investigators don't think that the backpack has anything to do with Caylee's disappearance. But at least someone wants to work with police.
Also of Interest:
Caylee Anthony Update 19 August
Pregnant Woman Bludgeoned In Her Bed
7 Weeks Old Beaten By Father

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