Friday, August 29, 2008

Caylee Anthony Update 29 August

Casey Anthony will more than likely be going back to jail on Saturday. Leonard Padilla is having the bond revoked. From his reaction in the last couple of days it seems like he actually believed Casey's story. He says it is for the safety of Casey and her family, but I think he is cutting his losses before things get too ugly. He isn't revoking the bond today so that she can meet with her attorney, Jose Baez. (And so that he can milk a few more days of publicity out of it.) I hope Baez is preparing Casey for her arrest on murder charges.
Investigators have offered Casey a limited immunity deal to lead them to Caylee. They can't use the specific information against her at trial. What the f**k? We all know she didn't accidentally kill that baby. And we all know that she lies more than she tells the truth. Why would they believe anything she tells them?
"I think she's dead," Padilla said. "I can't figure any body else that would be in the trunk deceased."
DNA results from the hair in Casey's trunk have come back, and it was Caylee's hair and it shows signs of decomposition. Will today be the day of Casey's re-arrest, or will police just wait for Padilla to revoke Casey's bond?
Also of Interest:
Is Cindy Anthony Crazy
Caylee Anthony Update 28 August
Casey Anthony's MySpace Page About Caylee
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