Friday, August 22, 2008

Caylee Anthony Update 22 August

Casey Anthony was released yesterday. As a condition of her release on bail: she is not allowed further than 150 feet from her phone line (except to go to school, work, or church), to drink or do drugs, to have weapons in the home, and the rather odd bit, wear tight or revealing clothes.
And how are they going to protect the most hated mother in America, if they can barely get her out of the jail. The press was able to stick a microphone right into her face. What if that had been someone with a gun.
I don't understand how world famous Leonard Padilla is when I live less than 90 minutes from Sacramento and have never heard of him. And he doesn't have a television show. According to the IMDb, Bounty Hunters was a 2004 documentary narrated by Val Kilmer. Looks like somebody may be fishing for a tv show. I wonder how long how long before they have her doing television interviews. Jose Baez needs to quietly separate his client from the traveling freak show. It's best to keep freak shows local.
Also of Interest:
Casey Anthony Free
Video About Casey Anthony's Release
Casey Anthony's Boyfriend Speaks

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