Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Caylee Anthony Update 16 September

Casey Anthony made her weekly trip to police booking. I love seeing Casey in handcuffs as much as the next person, but these weekly trips to jail are a waste of money.
And child protective services is looking into those horrible parents who let their son scream on the ground in pain while they fought with Cindy Anthony.
"What this is about is knowingly bringing your child to a situation where it is unstable. It's been very tense in that environment. There is that probability or likelihood that things can escalate. As an agency, we want to get the message out that parents who place they're children in potentially volatile situation and something happens to that child will be accountable," said Carrie Hoeppner from DCF.
In case you missed it, here is the video link again. The little boy is fine according to DCF. You don't take your kids out at midnight to pick a fight. What if you get arrested? Nothing good ever happens after midnight hanging out in the streets. You take that friend who wouldn't mind going to jail with you. Everybody should have one. If you are going to do something stupid in the middle of the night, you need someone there to be lookout and to lend a hand. Women this would be the friend that would go with you as you drive back and forth past of your boyfriend's house, or even better slash his tires. I have two. But the one person you don't take is your kid.
Also of Interest:
Caylee Anthony Update 15 September
Other Bizarre Crimes I Came Across This Week- 12 September

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