Friday, October 31, 2008

Will Elizabeth Hasselbeck Go The Way Of Star Jones

It is being reported that Barbara Walters let Elizabeth Hasselbeck do the Sarah Palin rally so that they can point to it when they fire her. It seems that producers are going to do a Star Jones and point to Elizabeth's "viewer likeability" as a reason for firing her.

A source is quoted as saying:

"I can confirm for you that this story is indeed true. In spite of the declarations of "peace and love" on camera, these two ladies do not speak to each other off camera anymore. Elisabeth has pretty much burned her bridges over there with the non-stop, right-wing rhetoric. It has gotten so bad that even Barbara had to warn her about not attributing statements to Barack Obama without proof.

While it is not nearly as contentious as the Rosie days, it is pretty bad. Mainly because the right-wing rhetoric doesn't end when the cameras go off. Elisabeth's hardline stance has also become a big problem with booking some A-list guests on to the show. Much of the staffers who happen to be democrats aren't pleased with her either, and don't go out of their way to interact with her unless absolutely necessary.

The whispered consensus is that Barbara and Bill let Elisabeth do the Sarah Palin rally to give her enough rope to hang herself. Meaning that they can then do what they did to get rid of Star, which was to use/point to "viewer likeability" to get her out. Just wait and see."

Also of interest:
Lay Off Elizabeth Hasselbeck Already
Elizabeth Hasselbeck Staying Put On The View

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