Friday, October 17, 2008

Caylee Anthony Update 17 October

Casey Anthony will probably get the death penalty, and the reason is that Jose Baez is an unqualified fool. He can't even get members of his team to toe the "Caylee is still alive" line. They tried denying that Todd Black even said it, but the interview was live. So there is basically no denying it.

So Baez has decided to belittle Black. "Todd Black is not a lawyer. He doesn't sit in on our meetings. He doesn't sit in on our client conversations. He doesn't have any legal opinions whatsoever, " Baez said. "He is simply a spokesman for our firm."

Isn't Baez telling him what to say. He is being paid to put out the point of view of the defense.

And the court is turning down his silly requests. Why he thought a judge would stop the state from doing valid testing on materials is beyond me. But this is a lawyer who lost his other big murder case, so maybe he just doesn't know what he is doing.

"The court knows of no authority or logical reason why the state should be prevented, even temporarily, from further analysis of relevant evidence," Judge Stan Strickland wrote.

He went on to rule that the defense experts could be present for future testing. "The right of the defense expert to be present at any further testing does not include the right to interfere with . . . or even comment on the testing procedures as they occur," Strickland wrote.

How is Casey paying for defense experts. I'll tell you how. The State of Florida is paying for it more than likely.

And the judge did manage to delay long enough that he didn't have to rule on her right to travel and search for her daughter. I bet he saw her imminent arrest coming.

If I were Casey I would ask for a public defender. Life in prison may be a better option than the death penalty. Jose Baez has no clue what he is doing. Yes, she more than likely killed her daughter, but juries don't like sentencing women to death. Jose Baez hasn't even asked for a change of venue. The people of Orlando probably would send her to the death chamber for the inconvenience and expense she has cost the city.

Jose Baez is just using Casey Anthony to further his career. Defendants love celebrity lawyers. But nobody wants a celebrity lawyer who is famous for losing.
Also of Interest:
Casey Anthony's Spokesman Admits Caylee Is Dead
Caylee Anthony Update 16 October

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