Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Republican Party Has Spent $150,000 To Makeover Palin Family

The Republican Party has spent over $150,000 to clothe Sarah Palin and her family since her September vice-presidental nomination. What hockey mom spends that much on clothes? You know they wouldn't be spending like that if it was their own money. Of course this is the woman was reimbursed by the Alaska for $21,000 in hotel rooms and airfare because her children were conducting official state business. What state business can kids who can't even finish high school be conducting?
The Republican National Committee appears to have spent more than $150,000 to clothe and accessorize vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family since her surprise pick by John McCain in late August.

According to financial disclosure records, the accessorizing began in early September and included bills from Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York for a combined $49,425.74.

The records also document a couple of big-time shopping trips to Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis, including one $75,062.63 spree in early September.

The RNC also spent $4,716.49 on hair and makeup through September after reporting no such costs in August.

Politico asked the McCain campaign for comment, explicitly noting the $150,000 in expenses for department store shopping and makeup consultation that were incurred immediately after Palin’s announcement. Pre-September reports do not include similar costs. (Haven't they heard that the economy is in the stinker. Voters are going to be angry. )

That's what the Palin family used to dress like, like many other middle class families across America.

Spokeswoman Maria Comella declined to answer specific questions about the expenditures, including whether it was necessary to spend that much and whether it amounted to one early investment in Palin or if shopping for the vice presidential nominee was ongoing. (Probably because Republican donors would be pissed at the amount. They think their hard earned money is going toward ads and staff, and it's going to clothe the Palins in expensive clothing.)

“The campaign does not comment on strategic decisions regarding how financial resources available to the campaign are spent," she said.

The business of primping and dressing on the campaign trail has become fraught with political risk in recent years as voters increasingly see an elite Washington out of touch with their values and lifestyles.

In 2000, Democrat Al Gore took heat for changing his clothing hues. And in 2006, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) was ribbed for two hair styling sessions that cost about $3,000.

Then, there was Democrat John Edwards’ $400 hair cuts in 2007 and Republican McCain’s $520 black leather Ferragamo shoes this year.

A review of similar records for the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee turned up no similar spending.

But all the spending by other candidates pales in comparison to the GOP outlay for the Alaska governor whose expensive, designer outfits have been the topic of fashion pages and magazines.

What hasn’t been apparent is where the clothes came from – her closet back in Wasilla or from the campaign coffers in Washington. (Maybe she should ask to borrow clothes from Mrs.McCain. At least Cindy paid for her own $300K convention outfit.)

The answer can be found inside the RNC’s September monthly financial disclosure report under “itemized coordinated expenditures.”

It’s a report that typically records expenses for direct mail, telephone calls and advertising. Those expenses do show up, but the report also has a new category of spending: “campaign accessories.”

September payments were also made to Barney’s New York ($789.72) and Bloomingdale’s New York ($5,102.71).

Macy’s in Minneapolis, another store fortunate enough to be situated in the Twin Cities that hosted last summer’s Republican National Convention, received three separate payments totaling $9,447.71.

The entries also show a few purchases at Pacifier, a top notch baby store, and Steiniauf & Stroller Inc., suggesting $295 was spent to accommodate the littlest Palin to join the campaign trail. (There is no reasons for baby items to appear on a financial disclosure statement. I take that back, maybe an assistant has to run out and buy a bag of diapers or formula occassionally, but there is no reason for purchases from Pacifier.)

An additional $4,902.45 was spent at Atelier, a high-class shopping destination for men. (I bet that suit that Bristol's baby daddy wore at the convention was paid for by the McCain campaign too. And Republican voters, if your nominee loses the Palins will probably get to keep all those lovely luxury items.)
Also of Interest:
Sarah Palin Takes Trig On Tour Of State Prison
Levi Johnson Speaks
Cindy McCain's $300,000 Convention Outfit

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