Friday, January 2, 2009

Caylee Anthony Update 2 January

The Caylee Anthony story continued to produce bizarre revelations to the end of 2008. Two stations updated the saga in their 6 p.m. newscasts Wednesday.

WFTV-Channel 9 explored speculation that the Anthony family knew where toddler Caylee's remains were before they were discovered. Kathi Belich wondered why the family's private detectives had focused only on the woods where a meter reader later found the remains.

WFTV legal analyst William Sheaffer asked, "What in the world was going on here that took these two investigators to that location and no other location, and lo and behold, that's where the body was?"

Belich explained inconsistencies in the two private eyes' stories. One, Jim Hoover, said he was told in November where Caylee's body was hidden, bounty hunter Leonard Padilla told WFTV. (It would have been great to hear from Hoover himself.) Who told Hoover? Private eye Dominic Casey, Padilla said.

But Dominic Casey told WFTV that the two men looked there to rule out a tip from a friend of Casey Anthony, Caylee's mother who is charged with her child's murder.

Belich's story certainly left you wanting to know more.

On WESH-Channel 2, attorney Brad Conway said his clients George and Cindy Anthony will turn over any evidence, even if it's damaging to daughter Casey's case. Conway told Bob Kealing that law enforcement did not find duct tape in the Anthonys' home. Duct tape was reportedly found on Caylee's skull. "We are expecting many more developments in the coming weeks," Kealing said in ending his report.

Maybe this is why the Anthonys are in a rush to seek immunity. Did Casey confess to them where she hid the body of her daughter? And why does the press keep dragging Leonard Padilla into this story. Have any of his theories turned out to be correct?

Other Caylee Anthony Posts


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