Sunday, May 17, 2009

Inside A Cult: Messiah On Trial

Did anyone else see the National Geographic Channel's Inside A Cult: Messiah on Trial. If you didn't it is about a cult leader, Michael Travesser / Wayne Bent. Bent /Travesser at first told followers that the he was the Messiah and that he needed to consummate with seven women. One of those women was his own daughter-in-law. Then he wrote that he was being led to lay naked with seven virgins including a couple of underage girls. And he and the girls bragged about it on a documentary that National Geographic filmed.

Well, one of the girls was disgusted by the idea and fled to her parents outside the cult. And it also seems that local police saw the film. Because shortly afterward he was arrested for having sexual contact with two of the girls. He was convicted on most of the charges, but only received 18 years of which 8 were suspended.

I think that the seven "wives" were getting too old and he was looking for replacements. And why not groom them while they are young and beautiful. And he and his lawyer can claim that the touching wasn't sexual all they like, but most women only let their partners touch the area between their shoulders and fleshy parts of the breast.

Watch the full first episode of the two part series: Inside of A Cult below. Here is the link to former member, Prudence Welch's website, she was featured prominently in the second episode. It has a lot of material about the cult. And here is the official Strong City website. Yup, the cult members are waiting for their Messiah to get out of prison.

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