Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Aussie Version of Gdiapers

I love Gdiapers, but what happens if you have a baby that weighs under 8 pounds. My youngest was three months old before he was 8 pounds. I wrote to Gdiaper and asked if they were going to be making smaller diapers and they replied no. What they didn't tell me was that they have an Australian distributor that makes just the product I was looking for, and that they ship to the US. Eenie Eco diapers start in a size 0000 (and will fit a baby as small as 4 lbs). The cover wraps around and ties in the front to prevent rubbing of the tender navel. And if you don't want to use the flushable inserts they have microfiber cloth diapers. Microfiber absorbs about six times their weight and dry quickly. Why are they not bringing these products to the US.
I still love Gdiaper. If for no other reason because you can compost the wet ones. And I love them more now that I know that I can use them from birth. Because who really wants to invest in two different cloth diaper sets.

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