Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Caylee Anthony Update 17 March

It's going to be up to a judge to decide whether or not the brother of an Orlando mom accused of killing her daughter will have to answer questions presented to him in a deposition last month.

Lee Anthony, brother of Casey Anthony, was deposed in a civil lawsuit brought against his sister by Zenaida Gonzalez. Casey claimed that a woman sharing the same name as Gonzalez took her daughter, Caylee Marie, last June. After months of searching for the missing toddler, her body was recovered in a wooded area near her grandparent's home in East Orange County in December.

Thomas Luka, attorney for Lee Anthony, objected to Zenaida Gonzalez's attorneys asking Lee Anthony if he knew the identity of Caylee Marie Anthony's father and if he thought his sister could be responsible for Caylee's disappearance. Luka advised Lee to not answer those questions, stating that they were not relevant to the civil lawsuit.
In a newly filed motion, Luka pointed out that his client spent more than three hours in Morgan and Morgan's law offices on February 26 and was cooperative in answering more that one hundred questions. Luka argued that neither of the questions which Morgan and Morgan are taking to a judge have anything to do with the civil defamation suit and are merely a publicity stunt.

Judge Jose Rodriguez will hear this argument on May 21.

The attorney for Cindy and George Anthony, parents of Casey, will also appear in court that same on behalf of his clients. Brad Conway is scheduled for a hearing before that Judge Roriguez on Wednesday. Gonzalez's lawyers were set to question Casey's parents the day before Lee back in February. Their depositions were put on hold because the two said they were not mentally or emotionally prepared to undergo questioning.

On Monday, Conway told FOX 35 that he will be talking to attorneys at Morgan and Morgan on Tuesday to see if they can agree on a level of professionalism and standard of conduct during the depositions. He said if they can work something out on their own, Wednesday's hearing might not be necessary.

Though we all want to know if Lee Anthony is Caylee's father or even if the family even has a clue who is, but it is none of our business. Lee's attorney is right about this one.

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