Sunday, February 17, 2008

Things My Son Lost This Week

My oldest son has high functioning autism. And sometimes it is like he is in his own world. I've had to replace his lock for his locker four times this year because he has lost the key. Here is a list of things he forgot or lost for school last week.

Monday- He forgot his binder at home. The school called because he had to have it for an English project. At least it wasn't lost. A couple of weeks ago he lost his binder.

Tuesday- He lost his lunch money. His aide loaned him lunch money.

Thursday- He lost his PE clothes. Why he was bringing his PE clothes home in the middle of the week is a great mystery, he never brings them home on weekends to be washed. We had to go before school and buy new ones. It took almost a half hour. His little brother was almost late to school. I made him pay for the replacements. And later he got caught on a door handle and ripped his coat.

Luckily it was only a four day week.

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